

Midweek Studies 

 Come join us during the week for a great time of recharge.  There are a wide variety of Bible studies and then the option of Grow Groups. Scroll down for more information. 

Midweek Meal 

Sign up to reserve a meal for the following Wednesday. Sign-up is available Thursday- Monday. Our meals have been suspended until the fall.  

Reserve A Meal

Groups for our 1st ladies 

What is a G-group? 

Grow Groups, or G-Group for short, are designed to be small groups of 6 women of all ages that meet weekly for accountability in spiritual growth.

Before Jesus left the earth, he told his disciples to "go and make disciples of all nations." He also told them to "Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you." Matthew 28:18-20

We want to be obedient to God in making disciples and equipping them to disciple others. Sometimes, we want to be good disciples and grow spiritually but don't know where to start. If that is you, try a g-group. 

As a G-group member, you will commit to spending time with God each day through a quiet time of Bible reading and prayer. Don't miss out on all that God has planned for you when we walk closely with Him!

Click the button below to join our open groups. Can't find one that you are looking for? Call the church office and talk to Laura. 

Grow Groups

Table 246 is a simple tool to help us cut through the small talk and start building the relationships that God wants us to have. Table 246 groups are multigenerational groups of women that meet once a month. Questions will be provided to encourage meaningful conversation. Each group will determine their own meeting time based on group needs. If you are looking for a deeper community, this is for you! Don’t miss out on the blessing of being a part of Biblical community!

Sign up now! Deadline for sign up is October 2.

Once you are placed in a group, your Table 246 host will contact you! Groups begin this fall!

If you are interested in being a host, please let us know on your online registration form. Hosts will coordinate meeting times with their group members and will receive monthly questions to present to their group for discussion.

Sign up

Activities for the family

Church life is much more than just attending a Sunday Worship Service. Here at First Ruston, we offer a variety of weekly activities for you to get connected with our church family.


Midweek activities from 5:30-7:00 pm                                                                                                          More information


C3 is every Wednesday at 6-7 pm with a time of hangout before and after.                              More Information


College Bible Study will be at The Depot at 7:15 pm.                                                                                                                   More Information


Come join the choir for practice at 6:00 pm. Join their group!                                                    More information