Here to help



Here at First, we want to offer you a community to help build you up to be the best Christian that you can be. Below are some resources to help you get to know more about First, our people, and one on one studies to help you build that relationship with God. Feel free to reach out to us if you have suggestions on resources that we can add to build the community that you might need during this time in your life. 

Mobile App

Download our Mobile App and access everything you need to stay connected with First Ruston.

Connection Group Resources 

Get access to weekly lessons to teach to your group.  

Sign up


Weekly Lessons


Would you like to join First Ruston? Fill out our membership card digitally.  

Membership card

My Groups

Take a look at your groups, access resources within them, or change your current personal info. 


Online Directory 

Join our Directory and have the capability to see church members' information.  


RightNow Media 

As a part of First Ruston, you have free access to RightNow Media and its library of more than 14,000 video Bible studies.  

Create a Login



Need to talk to someone about what is going on in your life and how to deal with that biblically. 

Make an Appointment

Texting Service

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